Swift | Silent | Deadly

Book Reviews

My Favorite Books, Part I

At the time of writing we are in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. I hope many of you are using your newfound time to read some books. If you’re looking for something to read, I am going to offer some of my favorite books, and I’ll keep this series going, hopefully well into the future.

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Kill Decision by Daniel Suarez

Earlier this year Greg Ellifritz posted his Best Reading of 2019. If a person who reads 10-15 books a month likes a book enough to put it in an annual “best of” list, it’s probably worth my time to check out. I’ve been making my way through that list, along with other stuff that catches my eye. Kill Decision by Daniel Suarez is one of the best fiction books I’ve read in a very long time and it will probably appeal to a lot of you.

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