I ran across the Gunsite Patrol Rifle Qual while reading up on the M1 Carbine. Contained within a Gunsite article from 2020, I decided to give this qual a go. I enjoyed it so much, I even turned around and shot it with a pistol.
Shoot Like an Operator Part II: CSAT Rifle Standards
Last week we took at look at the CSAT Pistol Standards. This week we shift to carbine and shoot the CSAT Rifle standards. Like the pistol standards, this set of drills was designed by Paul Howe. Howe is a highly respected special operations veteran, former member of “the unit” and the Battle of The Black Sea. He is also the author of Leadership and Training for the Fight and The CSAT Way. Let’s get into the CSAT Rifle Standards!
Shoot Like an Operator: The CSAT Pistol Standards
Always on the lookout for a new pistol drill, qualification, or standard, I was excited to run across the CSAT Pistol Standards! I have not trained with Paul Howe, but know of him through his books, The CSAT Way and Leadership and Training for the Fight (both of which are highly recommended). I also know that Howe was a Delta operator during the Battle of the Black Sea, the battle detailed in Blackhawk Down. That said, I am very interested in what Paul Howe thinks is important in a pistol qual.
The Lucky Gunner Home Defense Shotgun Skills Test
The Lucky Gunner Home Defense Shotgun Skills Test is a fairly simple assessment of shotgun skills. It tests a lot of skills, and is easy to run on most ranges. This video is also really cool because I was joined by my friend Neil, who shot the drill with me. Unfortunately neither of us pulled off a passing score.
Classic Combat Pistol Drill: Cooper’s El Presidente
Developed in the 1970s, “El Presidente” is one of the classic combat pistol drills. It still has a lot of relevance today, too. Watch me shoot a few runs, and discuss some of the particulars of this outstanding pistol drill.
CQB Carbine Qual: MEU(SOC) M4A1 Rifle Qualification
The MEU(SOC) M4A1 Rifle Qualification is (was?) the course of fire shot buy Force Recon Marines in the “CQB Package.” Heavy on multiple targets, shooting on the move, and close range, it was designed for precision shooting in dynamic environment. I shot this qualification many times as a Marine…but I haven’t really touched it since. Let’s take a look!
I Made a Shooting Drill: The Ten Second Standards
I made a shooting drill! I am calling it the Ten Second Standards. These “standards” are the personal tasks I strive to able to perform, on-demand, with my EDC pistol. It only requires one target and ten rounds, is revolver-friendly, and the entire COF can be shot in two minutes or less. There are a million other shooting drills out there, but I believe this one brings something to the table…even if it’s just a novel drill to shoot.
Video: Integrated Skills Group’s Handgun Proficiency Audit
I have long been friendly with Aaron from Integrated Skills Group. We “met” in 2019, if memory serves, via the Weekend Knowledge Dump. I have followed ISG with interest, and could not wait to get my hands on a copy of ISG’s Carry The Fire when it came out. When I saw that they had a shooting standard, I knew I had to shoot it.
The Shotgun Skills Gauge: The Perfect Shotgun Test?
I have been shooting a lot of shotgun drills lately, and today I’m back with another! The Shotgun Skills Gauge is a one-stage, 5-round test of your scattergun abilities. It is easy to setup, quick to run, and will tell you a lot about where you stand with your favorite social smoothbore. Let’s take a look at this excellent drill.
Out-of-the-Ordinary Shooting Drill: 10-8 Performance Pistol Test
The 10-8 Performance Pistol Test is one of the most unique and interesting pistol drills I have ever seen. It is long (12 stages) and requires a large ammo loadout (65 rounds). It you’re looking for something a little off the beaten path, give this one a try.