Swift | Silent | Deadly

Fulton Armory M1 Carbine Review & Defense w/ the M1 Carbine

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I have always been fascinated by  the M1 Carbine. Lucky Gunner’s series on the M1 Carbine has had me thinking about one for years. Fulton Armory has long been regarded as THE best M1 Carbine on the commercial market.They recently agreed to loan me a T&E sample. This detailed Fulton Armory M1 Carbine review shares what I learned. It also covers a great deal of info on using the M1 Carbine defensively.

Full Disclosure: Fulton Armory loaned me this M1 Carbine for the purpose of this review. I was in contact with them several times during the course of the review. At no time was I asked to say anything in particular about their products. I have no financial relationship with Fulton Armory whatsoever. The thoughts here are mine and mine alone.

Fulton Armory M1 Carbine Review

I fired over 550 rounds during this review. The video is fairly lengthy. However, I cover the features of the rifle, reliability (09:18), ergonomics (10:36),  accuracy (13:27), practicality (14:36), .30 carbine ballistics (29:14) and more. Every single round fired was either zeroing or on a quantifiable drill. I compared it against rifles, pistols, and PCCs.

Not to let the cat out of the bag, but I fell in love with this rifle. It works, it’s accurate, and it is very fun to shoot. Fulton Armory M1 Carbines are expensive, but if you can afford one they are the best M1 Carbines on the market. I have this gun for a few more weeks – let me know if there’s anything I didn’t cover!

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