This article begins a new series called “Buy Once, Cry Once.” I’m going to feature some item that have performed far beyond their expectations. Today we are going to take a look at my favorite water bottles. They have put up with serious use and abuse in the 8 years I’ve owned them. They are Self Reliance Outfitters stainless steel water bottles. If you’re looking for the end-all, be-all water bottle, this is it!
Looking for a Good Book? Five MORE of My Favorite Authors
Back in August, 24 Greg Ellifritz asked, “does anyone else miss bloggers posting recommended reading lists?” This inspired an article listing some of my favorite authors, their books I’ve read, and my favorite book from each. I had so many favorite authors on that list that I broke it up into two parts. Today I offer you the second part, with a few more of my favorite authors.
2025 Goals
Happy New Year! A couple of weeks ago I shared my progress report from 2024. Considering all the training I got done in ’24, it’s going to be a hard year to top.
NPE Carry: Galco Ankle Lite Ankle Holster
I have covered several pocket holsters in my hunt for the ideal NPE carry holster. Today I’m going to shift gears and take a look at an entirely different style of carry: ankle carry. Today’s holster is the Galco Ankle Lite holster. Ankle carry comes with some serious benefits and downsides.
My Single-Shot Survival Shotgun Project
I have long been intrigued with the concept of survival guns. There’s just something about the concept, like the ultimate survival handgun I wrote about several years ago. One recurring survival gun I see pop up from time to time is the single shot survival shotgun. After being fascinated by them for a long time I decided to make one.
2024 Year in Review: A Heavy-Duty Training Year!
At the end of most years, I try to post a year in review (2020, 2021, 2023). This year saw me attend a LOT of training, even thought I missed two of the classes I intended to take. Let’s take a look at what I accomplished in 2024, from training and personal development standpoints. Here is my 2024 year in review!
A Well-Rounded Training Resume
The spirit of this blog is to celebrate being good at wide range of skills rather than being excellent at a single skill. This is exemplified in my About The Name page, where I talk about the origins of “swift, silent, deadly,” and being a Jack of all Trades. I’ve also mentioned it in articles like my article called “Embrace The Coyote” from a few years ago. Today I’m going to cover similar ground, but through the lens of developing a well-rounded training resume.
NPE Carry: Crossbreed Pocket Rocket Holster Review
Welcome back to our NPE carry holsters. Over the past several months I have worked with several Non-Permissive Environment carry holsters. This article is our Crossbreed Pocket Rocket pocket holster review. Let’s dig in.
S&W Bodyguard 2.0 Review: A Bit of a Disappointment
The S&W Bodyguard 2.0 is one of the hottest new pistols out there. It represents something entirely new in the world of deep-concealment, hideout, non-permissive environment carry. This pistol didn’t quite live up to the hype for me. Read the article below, or watch video for the full review.
Physical Fitness Goal: Cooper Law Enforcement Standards
I love quantifiable goals, metrics, and standards. Shooting tests – like the Wilson 5×5 Skills Test – really appeal to me because of clear ranking system. As a cadet at a local police academy I was introduced to an interesting physical fitness test. The Cooper Law Enforcement Standards measures several aspects of physical ability, and puts you into a percentile based on your age bracket. If you need a physical fitness goal and have no idea where to start, check out the Cooper Standard for Law Enforcement Physical Assessment, explained below.