I am one of those folks in a major disaster area in the Southeastern U.S. I thought I would share a dog’s-eye-view of what is going on and a few of my own experiences. Be advised that this is mostly an update for the myriad friends and family who have reached out asking how I’m doing. In the near future I will post more typical content in the form of some lessons to be (re)learned for those of you interested in preparing for such events.
Looking for a Good Book? Five of My Favorite Authors
Regular followers of Swift|Silent|Deadly are probably aware of my personal reading list and prodigious reading habits. Several of you follow it and contact me to let me know you’re reading something I’ve read, or to offer reading recommendations. This post is a list of a few of my favorite authors. From these five authors alone I’ve read almost 30 books. If you’re looking for a good book, check these out!
Wilson Combat SFX9 Review: Full 2,000 Rounds
The Wilson Combat SFX9 is the second iteration of Wilson’s series of double-stack, 1911-style pistols. The series was introduced with the EDC X9 in 2017 and was followed by the SFX9. The SFT9 is the newest in the series. I purchased an SFX9 in the spring of 2023. A year and a half later, what do I think? This Wilson Combat SFX9 review covers my experience from day 1 to present.
A Very Unusual and Dangerous Ammunition Malfunction
I recently had a very unusual and dangerous ammunition malfunction. This was one I hadn’t seen before, but the end result is very similar to a squib load, which I have seen a couple times. This malfunction could have caused serious damage to the gun or injury to me or my friend. Let’s take a closer look at this malfunction.
Fulton Armory M1 Carbine Review & Defense w/ the M1 Carbine
I have always been fascinated by the M1 Carbine. Lucky Gunner’s series on the M1 Carbine has had me thinking about one for years. Fulton Armory has long been regarded as THE best M1 Carbine on the commercial market.They recently agreed to loan me a T&E sample. This detailed Fulton Armory M1 Carbine review shares what I learned. It also covers a great deal of info on using the M1 Carbine defensively.
BOLO: Beware Counterfeit Sig Romeo 5 Optics
The Sig Romeo 5 optic is a fantastic budget optic. It is inexpensive and most importantly, works well. I have purchased a couple of these optics and have been favorably impressed by them. Currently I am reviewing a M1 Carbine from Fulton Armory. Wanting to evaluate it with an optic, I ordered a Romeo 5. I ended up with a counterfeit Sig Romeo 5, and thought I would share what I learned.
Gunsite Patrol Rifle Qual Course with Rifle…and Pistol!
I ran across the Gunsite Patrol Rifle Qual while reading up on the M1 Carbine. Contained within a Gunsite article from 2020, I decided to give this qual a go. I enjoyed it so much, I even turned around and shot it with a pistol.
AAR: Gospel of the Gauge with Sym-Tac Consulting Shotgun Skills
Last weekend I had the opportunity to take Sym-Tac Consulting Shotgun Skills (2-day). I have been an acolyte of the gauge for quite some time. I attended a class with Tim and Ashton a couple years ago, but this was my first time getting the good news directly from Rob and Matt Haught. Short-story: this is a shotgun class par excellence. If you want to improve your capabilities with the shotgun, train with Sym-Tac. Read on for the details!
AAR: Pistol-Training.com On Demand Performance w Simon Golob
This past weekend I had the privilege of attending Pistol-Training.com On Demand Performance. Taught by Simon Golob (aka SLG), this class was geared toward giving the shooter the ability to train for a cold shot, or to perform on-demand.
Shoot Like an Operator Part II: CSAT Rifle Standards
Last week we took at look at the CSAT Pistol Standards. This week we shift to carbine and shoot the CSAT Rifle standards. Like the pistol standards, this set of drills was designed by Paul Howe. Howe is a highly respected special operations veteran, former member of “the unit” and the Battle of The Black Sea. He is also the author of Leadership and Training for the Fight and The CSAT Way. Let’s get into the CSAT Rifle Standards!