I have covered several pocket holsters in my hunt for the ideal NPE carry holster. Today I’m going to shift gears and take a look at an entirely different style of carry: ankle carry. Today’s holster is the Galco Ankle Lite holster. Ankle carry comes with some serious benefits and downsides.
My Single-Shot Survival Shotgun Project
I have long been intrigued with the concept of survival guns. There’s just something about the concept, like the ultimate survival handgun I wrote about several years ago. One recurring survival gun I see pop up from time to time is the single shot survival shotgun. After being fascinated by them for a long time I decided to make one.
NPE Carry: Crossbreed Pocket Rocket Holster Review
Welcome back to our NPE carry holsters. Over the past several months I have worked with several Non-Permissive Environment carry holsters. This article is our Crossbreed Pocket Rocket pocket holster review. Let’s dig in.
S&W Bodyguard 2.0 Review: A Bit of a Disappointment
The S&W Bodyguard 2.0 is one of the hottest new pistols out there. It represents something entirely new in the world of deep-concealment, hideout, non-permissive environment carry. This pistol didn’t quite live up to the hype for me. Read the article below, or watch video for the full review.
Concealed Carriers: 5 Ways You Should Be Like the Police!
Two weeks ago I listed ways in which concealed carriers should avoid emulating law enforcement. Not everything cops do is bad, however. Law enforcement as a whole does some things that are worthy of emulation by concealed carriers. There are some ways you should strive to be like the police, despite the things I said a couple weeks ago. Here are a few ways to try to be like the police.
How the New S&W Bodyguard 2.0 Sucks…Sorta
No, the title isn’t clickbait. The new S&W Bodyguard 2.0 has a lot going for it. Unfortunately, it sucks in one really important way. I have a full review of the Bodyguard 2.0 in the works. Due to the PD using the range this week, I wasn’t able to access it and finish up my firing portion, but I wanted to get this out: how the new S&W Bodyguard 2.0 sucks…at least a little. Read on to find out more.
Wilson Combat SFX9 Review: Full 2,000 Rounds
The Wilson Combat SFX9 is the second iteration of Wilson’s series of double-stack, 1911-style pistols. The series was introduced with the EDC X9 in 2017 and was followed by the SFX9. The SFT9 is the newest in the series. I purchased an SFX9 in the spring of 2023. A year and a half later, what do I think? This Wilson Combat SFX9 review covers my experience from day 1 to present.
Fulton Armory M1 Carbine Review & Defense w/ the M1 Carbine
I have always been fascinated by the M1 Carbine. Lucky Gunner’s series on the M1 Carbine has had me thinking about one for years. Fulton Armory has long been regarded as THE best M1 Carbine on the commercial market.They recently agreed to loan me a T&E sample. This detailed Fulton Armory M1 Carbine review shares what I learned. It also covers a great deal of info on using the M1 Carbine defensively.
BOLO: Beware Counterfeit Sig Romeo 5 Optics
The Sig Romeo 5 optic is a fantastic budget optic. It is inexpensive and most importantly, works well. I have purchased a couple of these optics and have been favorably impressed by them. Currently I am reviewing a M1 Carbine from Fulton Armory. Wanting to evaluate it with an optic, I ordered a Romeo 5. I ended up with a counterfeit Sig Romeo 5, and thought I would share what I learned.
Gunsite Patrol Rifle Qual Course with Rifle…and Pistol!
I ran across the Gunsite Patrol Rifle Qual while reading up on the M1 Carbine. Contained within a Gunsite article from 2020, I decided to give this qual a go. I enjoyed it so much, I even turned around and shot it with a pistol.