Swift | Silent | Deadly


OPSEC for Legal Marijuana Consumers

The commercial sale of legal, recreational marijuana in the United States poses some interesting legal problems. Marijuana is completely legal under the laws of some states, but still a Schedule I substance according to federal law. Though the strange detente that has emerged over the past several years has kept things awkwardly civil, the federal government would be legally justified in cracking down on growers, purveyors. . . and consumers.

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Useless OPSEC Measure: Vary Your Routes

Trying to vary your routes between home and work is sometimes touted as an OPSEC measure. This is sometimes advocated by law enforcement or military organizations as a measure their members should take. In some instances it may actually be a good idea. I began to think seriously about this, however, when I read a few articles that explicity or implicitly seemed to recommended the practice to average citizens in the prepping or “tactical lifestyle” communities.

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Security Measures Categorized

On this site I talk about a number of different security measures. Just as in my discussion of attacks and attackers it is important to have a firm understanding of security measures and exactly what type of security each provides. . . and does not provide.

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