Welcome back to the Across The Peak Podcast, the show Where Rich and Justin discuss preparedness, the birds and the bees, guns, history, tattoos, and… well, basically all the stuff your old man shoulda taught you! After a four-year silence we are re-releasing the ATP archive. Here it is, folks, Across The Peak Episode 029: How to Host a Dinner Party! This show was originally released on 01/16/2019.
How to Host a Dinner Party
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Featured image up top courtesy of Anoldent, https://www.flickr.com/photos/anoldent/6224628288/in/photostream/, licensed under Creative Commons 2.0
Across the Peak Merch
There’s no ATP merch any more, but I will probably have some made at some point in the future. I owe a couple people a tee-shirt and a coffee mug for all their help in resurrecting the show. Here are some pics of the merch from back then. I still have the coffee mug and the tumbler; the shirts all got worn out.
What are you drinking?
Rich’s Drink: Baker’s Bourbon
Justin’s Drink: 4 Hands Chocolate Stout
The beer store near our apartment was absolutely incredible! We could walk over there in about five minutes, and it was right beside a Harris Teeter. It was truly amazing. A favorite lunch date of ours was to get a sandwich from the Harris Teeter deli, then go get a beer at the little bar at the beer store – that’s where this pic comes from.
An example of a good appetizer tray.
Book of the Week
In Defense of Food: An Eater’s Manifesto by Michael Pollan
I think this episode is my favorite of the entire suite of ATP shows. If not my favorite it’s at very least in the Top 3. It’s usually the one I recommend to people who haven’t heard the show. First, the audio is great. Second, the content is great – Rich and I really seemed to gel on this one. Third, this evokes some special memories. Ky and I were several days into our Iceland/Ireland journey when this show dropped. We listened to it on the train from Dublin to Belfast, having just arrived in Dublin a few hours prior.

This episode really reminded me how fun it was searching for a new beer each week for the “what are you drinking” segment. Ky and I had so much fun and tried so much random beer so we had something interesting to talk about. We had a lot of hits…but also a lot of misses.

This episode also really reminds me of how fun it was to put this show together. A lot of work – and I mean a LOT of work – went on behind the scenes, but it was also exciting. Recording was so fun, but so was putting together show notes, watching stats when episodes dropped, sharing the fact that we had a podcast… This was a magical time in my life and it coincided with so many other good things. If I sound a bit nostalgic in these “Hindsight” segments, it’s because I am.