This article begins a new series called “Buy Once, Cry Once.” I’m going to feature some item that have performed far beyond their expectations. Today we are going to take a look at my favorite water bottles. They have put up with serious use and abuse in the 8 years I’ve owned them. They are Self Reliance Outfitters stainless steel water bottles. If you’re looking for the end-all, be-all water bottle, this is it!
NPE Carry: Crossbreed Pocket Rocket Holster Review
Welcome back to our NPE carry holsters. Over the past several months I have worked with several Non-Permissive Environment carry holsters. This article is our Crossbreed Pocket Rocket pocket holster review. Let’s dig in.
BOLO: Beware Counterfeit Sig Romeo 5 Optics
The Sig Romeo 5 optic is a fantastic budget optic. It is inexpensive and most importantly, works well. I have purchased a couple of these optics and have been favorably impressed by them. Currently I am reviewing a M1 Carbine from Fulton Armory. Wanting to evaluate it with an optic, I ordered a Romeo 5. I ended up with a counterfeit Sig Romeo 5, and thought I would share what I learned.
JM Custom Kydex Magazine Pouch Review
Regardless of whether you carry a spare mag or not, you have to reload on the range. Why not learn to do it well? That’s why you need a magazine pouch. This JM Custom Kydex Magazine Pouch Review will show off my favorite magazine pouch for the range, and concealed carry.
Firearm Alternative for NPE: ASP Metro Defender OC
One of the common complaints I hear when I recommend pepper spray is, “But where would I put it?” One effective tool that will fit almost anywhere is the ASP Metro Defender. I have recommended this tool before, on the advice of others, but I have been carrying one myself for a year now. Let’s take a closer look at the ASP Metro Defender, and excellent firearm alternative for Non-Permissive Environment Carry.
NPE Carry: Kramer Leather Pocket Gun Holster Review
This review marks the next in our series of NPE carry holsters. Over the past several months I have worked with several Non-Permissive Environment carry holsters. This article is our Kramer Leather Pocket Gun Holster review, possibly the best pocket holster I have had the privilege of using. Let’s dig in.
NPE Carry: Galco Front Pocket Horsehide Holster
This review marks the next in our series of NPE carry holsters. Over the past several months I have worked with several Non-Permissive Environment carry holsters. This article is our Galco Front Pocket Horsehide Holster review.
NPE Carry: Mika’s Pocket Holster Review
This review marks the next in our series of NPE carry holsters. Over the past several months I have worked with several Non-Permissive Environment carry holsters. This article is our Mika’s Pocket Holster review, a very cool pocket holster and viable NPE carry option.
NPE Carry: Desantis Super Fly Pocket Holster Review
This review is a continuation of our NPE carry series, and our first review of a deep-concealment holster. Over the past several months I have worked with a number of NPE carry holsters. This review will cover the infinitely popular and commonly recommended Desantis Super Fly pocket holster.
Southern Cross Bourbon Review
I’m going to start right up front by saying I’m not a bourbon reviewer. I know what I like, but generally speaking, I ain’t got the words. And this little “review” probably isn’t going to make a bourbon reviewer out of me. I was so impressed with Southern Cross High Proof Bourbon Whiskey that I felt compelled to write about it, however. I reached out to a brand representative who offered to send me a bottle for review and I jumped at the opportunity, so this is my Southern Cross Bourbon review.