Swift | Silent | Deadly

Self Reliance

EDC Part I: On-Body Carry Items

This post, covering my on-body EDC items, will probably the be the least informative (but most read) of this entire EDC series I’m doing. The reason: there are a million articles out there explaining why you should have an EDC (everyday carry) system. My perspectives on EDC clothing, the EDC bag / bug out bag / get home bag concept, and vehicle preparedness all offer more original ideas than this one. The on-body EDC ground has been well-trod.

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EDC Part 0: The Individual “Uniform”

One of the things I miss most about my brief time in the military is wearing a uniform. I don’t mean getting all spiffed up in dress blues or anything like that, and I certainly don’t mean being recognized as a military member. Much more simply, I just miss never having to think about what to wear to work. Today I’m going to talk about something that is near and dear to my heart: clothing as EDC, and creating your own individual “uniform.”

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2020 Goals: 3,660 Minutes of Dry Practice

Last year, on one of my other blogs, I documented my (successful) attempt to do 3,650 minutes of dry practice in 2019. I learned a tremendous amount during that exercise, and one of those lessons was that putting some social pressure on myself through the blog helped me tremendously. This year I’m going to do a similar thing here.

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Book Excerpt: “Digital Self-Defense”

Most of you probably don’t know that my day job is an instructor of digital security tools, techniques, and procedures. The company I work for provides training to a variety of military and intelligence activities. I am extremely lucky to have my job because I absolutely love what I do. I love teaching, and I love the topics that I teach.

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Micro-Preparedness: Staging Your Clothing

This post is going to launch what (I hope) will become a recurring series on “micro-preparedness”. Micro-preparedness refers to very small processes that incur little to no time or financial penalty, but that may have a large impact on your overall level of preparedness. Today’s step is going to cover staging your clothing and belongings before you go to bed at night.

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The Joys of Composting, or Start a Damn Compost Pile!

I totally lucked into composting. When I bought my first house, I had a huge pile of leaves in the woods. Since I moved in in summer, I had a ton of grass clippings that had to get dealt with, so they went on the leaf pile. For some reason I turned the grass into the leaves, and some interesting things started happening. I began to see worms out there. The pile would steam sometimes. I probably didn’t know it but I was making compost.

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Pictorial Post: Building a Hearth Pad

A few weeks ago I wrote about sustainable, long-term heating and cooling considerations. In the interest of practicing what I preach, I recently had a wood stove installed in our home. I built the hearth and hearth pad for the stove. For the hearth, I used a product called AirStone. Using this stuff requires very little skill. The hearth pad was a bit more involved, however. Below is a more or less step-by-step photo series of my creation.

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