Welcome back to the Across The Peak Podcast, the show Where Rich and Justin discuss preparedness, the birds and the bees, guns, history, tattoos, and… well, basically all the stuff your old man shoulda taught you! After a four-year silence we are re-releasing the ATP archive. Here it is, folks, Across The Peak Episode 027: History Lesson – USS Indianapolis! This show was originally released on 01/02/2019.
History Lesson – USS Indianapolis
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The featured image up top by Unknown author – U.S. Navy photo 80-G-425615, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=15824221
What are you drinking?
Rich’s Drink: Gotta Get Up to Get Down, Baker’s Bourbon
Justin’s Drink: Modelo Negra

Early in this episode Rich mentioned the poem “Ithaka” by C.P. Cavafy. He specifically mentions a version read by Sean Connery. Just recently as I was re-listening to this episode I found this poem and it touched me deeply. I hope you enjoy it as well!
Book of the Week:
The Year of Living Biblically: One Man’s Humble Quest to Follow the Bible as Literally as Possible by A.J. Jacobs
Listening to this episode reminded me of reading the book. I read the book while on a trip to San Diego to teach a class to some Navy SEALs (the photo below was from the trip out to San Diego, and one that ended up being an Instagram image). As soon as the class was over I headed straight to the airport, in a hurry to get home to Ky and the dogs. After a quick hop to PHX, I spent all night flying and reading this book, gripped by the story.
This is an episode I wanted to approach with great reverence and I feel like Rich and I did a good job with this story. I still strongly recommend Dan Carlin’s telling and I absolutely recommend the book, In Harm’s Way by Doug Stanton.