This article begins a new series called “Buy Once, Cry Once.” I’m going to feature some item that have performed far beyond their expectations. Today we are going to take a look at my favorite water bottles. They have put up with serious use and abuse in the 8 years I’ve owned them. They are Self Reliance Outfitters stainless steel water bottles. If you’re looking for the end-all, be-all water bottle, this is it!
Southern Cross Bourbon Review
I’m going to start right up front by saying I’m not a bourbon reviewer. I know what I like, but generally speaking, I ain’t got the words. And this little “review” probably isn’t going to make a bourbon reviewer out of me. I was so impressed with Southern Cross High Proof Bourbon Whiskey that I felt compelled to write about it, however. I reached out to a brand representative who offered to send me a bottle for review and I jumped at the opportunity, so this is my Southern Cross Bourbon review.
Winter Hiking Marvel: Kahtoola Micro-Spikes
Winter is my favorite time of year to hike. It comes with some hazards, not the least of which is ice on the trail. We’ve discovered Kahtoola MICROspikes and I’ll never winter-hike without them again.
Helikon-Tek Mini Med Kit Pouch
A while back I reviewed the Helikon-Tek Foxtrot Mk2 lumbar pack. During that review I promised to add a review of the Helikon-Tek “Mini Med Kit” first aid pouch as an addendum to the original article. As it turns out, this is a perfect pouch for my basic first aid kit. It’s also a great add-on to the Foxtrot Mk2 lumbar pack. Let’s take a look.
Hiking with Trekking Poles
I’ve always questioned the value of trekking poles. To be honest, I’ve always thought of them as a somewhat goofy-looking fashion statement. Last year I began to reconsider, though. With a big increase in hiking and especially hiking over elevation, I started looking for something to ease my knee pain on hikes with lots of downhill. So, I gave them a try, and after ~40 miles on trail with them, they’re now essential kit for me. Bottom line up front: If you’re a banged-up, high-mileage model like me – and don’t want to give up hiking – you might benefit significantly from hiking with trekking poles.
Some Thoughts on Asolo Boots
A reader recently wrote in asking for a review of Asolo boots. I have a fairly rich history with Asolo boots and I would love to talk about them. A couple disclaimer notes before I begin…