Swift | Silent | Deadly

Month: June 2020

Setting Up a Range Bag

I hate to admit this, but despite a lifetime of being a shooter and firearms enthusiast, I only put together my first range bag about two years ago. Honestly, it changed my life. I cannot imagine not having a range bag now. I know there are a whole lot of new shooters finding their way into the sport, so I though this might be a good time to talk about setting up a range bag.

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Your Dry Practice Plan: Movement, Handheld Light, & 911

This month was rough. I missed three days of dry practice and broke my streak that was almost 140 days long – shattering last year’s longest streak of 46 days. Still in the first five months of this year I have trained with my firearm all by three days. I’ll offer you some ideas in this post to work some “advanced” skills into your dry practice routine.

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WML Review: Streamlight TL-Racker

As you guys may or may not know, this year is sort of the “year of the shotgun” for me. I’ve spent an entire month doing daily dry practice with my shotty, and this month (June) will see me repeat that. I’ve read two books about shotgun employment, and am about to start a third. Today I am going to review the biggest improvement made to my shotgun in a long time: the Streamlight TL-Racker WML.

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