Some savvy readers may have noticed that I am in the process of uprading some of my weapon-mounted lights. I recently put a Modlite on my AR. After attending Tim Chandler and Ashton Ray’s Shotgun Skills I decided it was time to bite the bullet and invest in THE pump shotgun light: the Surefire DSF-870 Forend.
WML Review: Streamlight TL-Racker
As you guys may or may not know, this year is sort of the “year of the shotgun” for me. I’ve spent an entire month doing daily dry practice with my shotty, and this month (June) will see me repeat that. I’ve read two books about shotgun employment, and am about to start a third. Today I am going to review the biggest improvement made to my shotgun in a long time: the Streamlight TL-Racker WML.
Your Dry Practice Plan: 1 – 30 April
If you’re looking for some tips on practicing your shotgun skills, check this out.
Shotgun Ammo Selection: The Slug
In my last article about shotguns I mentioned being a fan of the slug. I had planned to address this, but it drew quite a bit of email, so I’m addressing it a little sooner than I expected.
Thoughts on Defensive Shotgun Setup
During the month of April I am doing two-a-days with dry practice. Aside from my normal practice routine with my EDC handgun, I am also spending ten minutes per day with my shotgun. This has me thinking a lot about the defensive shotgun setup. Additionally, with the surge of gun sales in recent weeks I’m sure at least a few people are the brand-new owner of a shotgun, so I will share a few of my ruminations.