I began 2021 with some goals. I wasn’t 100% successful, but overall I was pretty successful, and I was really successful with a few of my goals. Overall it was a pretty awesome year for me! Here’s a look at my 2021 goal accomplishment…not that you care, but to keep me honest.
Shotguns are Not Low Capacity Weapons
The internet is chuck-a-buck full of myths and distortions about defensive shotguns. There is one that has always particularly bugged me. The myth, one common even among “shotgun guys,” is that the shotgun is a “low capacity weapon.” Shotguns are not low-capacity weapons, and this article will explain why.
EDC Flashlight Review: Skilhunt E2A
Though I can’t remember how, the Skilhunt E2A was recently called to my attention. The Skilhunt E2A is a compact, aluminum, single-AA flashlight. It definitely skews toward the smaller end of the spectrum and seems to be very well executed for such a small, inexpensive light. Let’s see how she fares.
An In-Depth DuoLingo Review
Mid-year I got a reader question inviting me to review the DuoLingo language-learning application. Since then I have given a lot of thought as to how to present such a review and after almost a full year of daily use I feel prepared to do so. This article is an in-depth DuoLingo review.
Beyond Tactical: Black Medical Gloves
I’ve observed a recent trend of cops and even some firefighters wearing black medical gloves. Black medical gloves come with a lot of popular prepacked “IFAK”-style medical kits. This is a good example of “too tactical,” or the cart leading the horse. If you buy a first aid kit that comes with black medical gloves, find some new gloves. I’ll explain why.
Improving the TL-Racker Shotgun Light
Last year I reviewed the Streamlight TL-Racker shotgun light. I really like the light, but I have some problems with the TL-Racker as a forend. Fortunately, it can be improved upon.
EMS Stories: The Do Not Resuscitate
Welcome to EMS Stories! Today I would like to talk about a call that highlights the importance of advanced directives like the Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) form.
EDC Flashlight: Nightstick MT210 Mini-Tac Pro
It has been a while since I’ve reviewed an EDC flashlight. Today we take a look at a brand I’ve only recently heard of: NightStick. The flashlight under review is the NightStick MT210 Mini-Tac Pro.
Micropreparedness: Keep Your Gas Tank Half Full
This isn’t exactly news to the preppers out there, but an excellent way to improve your preparedness is to keep your car’s gas tank half full..at least. Keeping some gas in your tank serves more purposes than you might think. Let’s talk about them.
Fire Emergency Preparedness
Most people reading this blog have spent thousands of dollars on guns, ammo, holsters, and training. I’m betting most of you would balk at the idea of spending a few hundred bucks on fire prevention stuff. Fire will kill you and your family just as dead as a mass shooter…and is a much more likely threat. How much energy and attention have you put into fire emergency preparedness?