Swift | Silent | Deadly


Defensive AR-15 Setup 1: Sights

The AR-15 is about as common a rifle as you’ll find in this country. If you don’t own an AR-15 you might want to think about it. Few other firearms give you the same defensive capability. The AR platform is extremely easy to operate, infinitely customizable, reliable, and easy for most people to use. Whether you plan to purchase one in the future or already own one, you may want to know about defensive AR-15 setup.

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Defensive 1911: 1911 Reliability

Some of you have expressed interest in the defensive 1911. Some others have written in with more general questions about 1911s. These days there aren’t a whole lot of people – at least people of my generation – taking 1911s very seriously. Today I’m going to talk about some reliability factors of the defensive 1911, maybe a few things to think about before taking up the 1911.

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Setting Up a Range Bag

I hate to admit this, but despite a lifetime of being a shooter and firearms enthusiast, I only put together my first range bag about two years ago. Honestly, it changed my life. I cannot imagine not having a range bag now. I know there are a whole lot of new shooters finding their way into the sport, so I though this might be a good time to talk about setting up a range bag.

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Thoughts on Defensive Shotgun Setup

During the month of April I am doing two-a-days with dry practice. Aside from my normal practice routine with my EDC handgun, I am also spending ten minutes per day with my shotgun. This has me thinking a lot about the defensive shotgun setup. Additionally, with the surge of gun sales in recent weeks I’m sure at least a few people are the brand-new owner of a shotgun, so I will share a few of my ruminations.

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Why the 9mm 1911?

I recently received the following question from a reader: “How about a blog post on what led you to your current EDC handgun? A 9mm 1911 isn’t the most common choice, and I know you had been working with revolvers for a while there.” He’s absolutely right; a 9mm 1911 is a pretty unconventional choice for several reasons. Let’s take a look at them, and the gun itself.

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Malfunctions: The Squib Load

Last week I had a squib load…and then another. Both were from the same box of factory ammo. If you shoot enough, eventually you’re probably going to run into this ammunition-related malfunction. It’s important to know to recognize this one. Failure to recognize it could result in serious damage to your gun and serious injury to you.

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