Knowing how to change your own oil is a very basic step in becoming more mechanically proficient. I’m not a mechanic by any means, but I have changed my own oil for a long time now. If your car’s hood is a sealed mystery box and you want to get a little more familiar, learning how to change your own oil is a really approachable first step.
First Aid: The Paramedic Jump Bag
A while back I wrote an article about my home first aid kit. One criticism I received really stuck with me. I was told my recommendations were “too EMT” for the average individual. Today I would like to put my little home first aid kit into perspective by showing you the contents of a paramedic jump bag.
Extreme Winter Weather Preparedness
Winter is no longer coming – it has arrived! Last weekend we woke up to over a foot of snow outside. I thought I would share a few of our preparations and lessons-learned from this event. There’s nothing new or ground-breaking, but hopefully some of our lessons can be helpful to your own winter weather preparedness plan.
Supply Chain Crisis Preparedness
The buzzword on everyone’s tongue lately is “supply chain crisis.” Due to a complex combination of lack of labor, shipping, and whatever else, the supply chain is experiencing some strain. This is causing shortages of certain items and rising prices on everything else. If you need a written invitation to start getting prepared, this is it. Before I talk about that, let’s put the “crisis” in perspective.
A Personal Financial Preparedness Methodology
This post is a guest post. The author is a friend who cares deeply about financial preparedness. I was more than happy to publish his thoughts here, and I believe you will enjoy this article. Above all, I hope it helps someone out there! The author would like to remain anonymous, but if you have feedback you can reach him through me. Let’s get into it!
2022: Goals for the Year Ahead
In what has is rapidly becoming something of a tradition here, I’m going to post my New Years’ Resolutions for 2022. Though it is unpopular to have New Years’ Resolutions, what should be unpopular is breaking them. I do a pretty decent job with mine. What are you going to do this year to make yourself better, stronger, smarter, healthier, and more capable than you are now?
2021 Goal Accomplishment Report
I began 2021 with some goals. I wasn’t 100% successful, but overall I was pretty successful, and I was really successful with a few of my goals. Overall it was a pretty awesome year for me! Here’s a look at my 2021 goal accomplishment…not that you care, but to keep me honest.
An In-Depth DuoLingo Review
Mid-year I got a reader question inviting me to review the DuoLingo language-learning application. Since then I have given a lot of thought as to how to present such a review and after almost a full year of daily use I feel prepared to do so. This article is an in-depth DuoLingo review.
Beyond Tactical: Black Medical Gloves
I’ve observed a recent trend of cops and even some firefighters wearing black medical gloves. Black medical gloves come with a lot of popular prepacked “IFAK”-style medical kits. This is a good example of “too tactical,” or the cart leading the horse. If you buy a first aid kit that comes with black medical gloves, find some new gloves. I’ll explain why.
Micropreparedness: Keep Your Gas Tank Half Full
This isn’t exactly news to the preppers out there, but an excellent way to improve your preparedness is to keep your car’s gas tank half least. Keeping some gas in your tank serves more purposes than you might think. Let’s talk about them.