I have been thinking a lot about my training goals lately. Because I failed to maintain my EMT certification, I am currently in EMT class for the second time. This class was a big goal, but is consuming a considerable amount of my time and training budget. I’ve cobbled together quite a few classes over the years, and there are always at least a dozen classes I’d like to attend in the hopes of getting my “Bachelor’s of Tactical Science.”
Fenix LD12 Follow Up: Customer Support
I have been a little slow on the flashlight reviews lately. This is for a couple reasons. I’ve reviewed most of the ones that are worth reviewing in my price and general usefulness ranges. Secondly, I found one that I really, really love and I don’t really want to put it in a drawer to review something else. That light: the Fenix LD12 (2017 Edition).
Digital Security Primer, Part I: Why Bother?
As I mentioned a few weeks ago, I have recently written a book on digital security. This post is going to kick off a series on digital security (and secure communications – a skill that might become very important for freedom lovers in the near future) that roughly follows the outline of the book. This is completely free information that I make a very good living teaching. I’ve worked hard to put this into plain language (and perhaps even made it enjoyable to read, as well). If you enjoy this content, please consider picking up a copy of Digital Self Defense: The Layman’s Guide to Digital Security when it comes out this spring. Thanks!
Uncensored Tactical Podcast Appearance
I recently appeared on the Uncensored Tactical Podcast. Pat (the host) and I discussed a topic I rarely get to talk about: covert key generation. It was a super fun show, and not a topic I get to talk about with many people.
My Generalist Lockpicking Kit
Today I’m going to talk about my generalist lockpicking kit. This kit is something seldom seen. Rather than a locksport kit, this is a functional kit. It’s designed to open – not pick – real-world locks in my AO.
Your Dry Practice Plan 4: February 16 – 29
If you carry a gun, you do so because you believe you might be in a gunfight. If you knew you were going to be in a gunfight tomorrow, would you spend some time dry practicing today? We all waste countless minutes per day mindlessly scrolling social media or watching TV. Take just ten of those minutes each day and better yourself. Here is your dry practice plan for the next two weeks.
EDC Part II: The All Purpose EdC (APEC) Pack
Like most gear guys I like the ideas of bug-out bags, I.N.C.H. bags, get-home bags and EDC bags. Unlike most gear guys, I strongly dislike the inefficiencies these bags create. I’ve combined all of my various “bags” into a single backpack that is full of real-world, high-probability gear. There’s no AR pistol, no gas-mask, and no Mountain House meals, but stick with me and I think you’ll see the logic.
Kill Decision by Daniel Suarez
Earlier this year Greg Ellifritz posted his Best Reading of 2019. If a person who reads 10-15 books a month likes a book enough to put it in an annual “best of” list, it’s probably worth my time to check out. I’ve been making my way through that list, along with other stuff that catches my eye. Kill Decision by Daniel Suarez is one of the best fiction books I’ve read in a very long time and it will probably appeal to a lot of you.
Your Dry Practice Plan: February 1 – 15
If you carry a gun, you do so because you believe you might be in a gunfight. If you knew you were going to be in a gunfight tomorrow, would you spend some time dry practicing today? We all waste countless minutes per day mindlessly scrolling social media or watching TV. Take just ten of those minutes each day and better yourself. Here is your dry practice plan for the next two weeks.