Swift | Silent | Deadly


Instructor 101: Answering Student Questions

I have attended a number of classes in which instructors struggle when answering student questions. The problem isn’t a lack of knowledge; the instructors generally know the answer. The problem is they don’t know how to systematically provide the answer to the class. I hope this tutorial on answering student questions helps a few instructors out there.

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James Bond Night School Reading List

Since childhood I (and probably you) have fantasized about being a “competent man.” A competent man is good at everything – a Jason Bourne, MacGyver, Jack Reacher, or James Bond. He can seduce a woman, talk his way into anywhere, pick a lock, and operate any firearm at a high level. The competent man is in shape, can drive fast, speak foreign languages, and survive in the woods. Sadly, not all of us can be a secret agent. Most of us can find the time to read a book here and there. I give you the “James Bond Night School” reading list.

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Hate Inc.: A Pretty Important Book

This week I finished Hate, Inc.: Why Today’s Media Makes us Despise One Another by Matt Taibbi. This is probably one of the most important books I’ve read in a long time. It explains how the media has divided us into two groups that are easy marks for advertisers. This is how media companies get rich reporting the “news.” It also explains the terrible cost of this wealth-building strategy.

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Preparedness: A Realistic Bug Out Bag

The Bug Out Bag (bugout bag, B.O.B., or go bag) is the first place many people start with preparedness. Honestly, if it gets you started, GREAT – it’s a start! Unfortunately the bug out bag is often plagued with unrealistic expectations. Fantasies of “living off the land,” “heading for the hills,” and the “zombie apocalypse” too often color the concept of the bug out. Today I offer you a treatise on a much more useful, realistic bug out bag.

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5 Steps to AMAG – (Actually) Make America Great

Many of you are dissatisfied with the results of last year’s Presidential election. As a political atheist and card-carrying “unaffiliated” I don’t have a dog in the fight. Most of you have sworn allegiance to a particular party and will support them now matter what they actually do, so allow me to offer you a bit of encouragement. Regardless of who holds the office of the President, the power to “make America great” resides where it always has: with The People. Here are some outstanding ways we can actually make America great.

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Becoming a Paramedic

Today I write to you as a a fully-credentialed, practicing paramedic. This post is going to talk about how I got here, and the road to becoming a paramedic. I’ve written about this a little bit before, when I had just started school. There seems to be a lot of mystery about becoming a paramedic, so today I’d like to go into a bit more depth. Here’s my experience. Yours might be a bit different.

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Survival Cooking: DIY Denatured Alcohol Stove

The soda can stove has always intrigued me. It’s about as cheap as a camping stove can possibly get: it takes about 30 minutes of your time and can be made from two soda cans. Fuel is also cheap; a gallon of denatured alcohol will cost you under $20 at Lowes. Today I’m going to talk about the infinitely accessible “soda can stove” or DIY denatured alcohol stove.

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