Though I can’t remember how, the Skilhunt E2A was recently called to my attention. The Skilhunt E2A is a compact, aluminum, single-AA flashlight. It definitely skews toward the smaller end of the spectrum and seems to be very well executed for such a small, inexpensive light. Let’s see how she fares.
EDC Flashlight: Nightstick MT210 Mini-Tac Pro
It has been a while since I’ve reviewed an EDC flashlight. Today we take a look at a brand I’ve only recently heard of: NightStick. The flashlight under review is the NightStick MT210 Mini-Tac Pro.
Helikon-Tek Mini Med Kit Pouch
A while back I reviewed the Helikon-Tek Foxtrot Mk2 lumbar pack. During that review I promised to add a review of the Helikon-Tek “Mini Med Kit” first aid pouch as an addendum to the original article. As it turns out, this is a perfect pouch for my basic first aid kit. It’s also a great add-on to the Foxtrot Mk2 lumbar pack. Let’s take a look.
EDC Flashlight Review: Fenix E12 V2.0
The original Fenix E12 has possibly the weakest feature-set of any flashlight I’ve reviewed here to date. Today we look at the updated Fenix E12 V2.0. The form-factor has undergone a major overhaul, but has the rest of the light been brought up to speed?
Lumbar Pack: Helikon-Tek Foxtrot Mk2 Belt Rig
Today we take a look at another lumbar pack, something we haven’t done in awhile. This offering is the Helikon-Tek Foxtrot Mk2 Belt Rig.
Hiking with Trekking Poles
I’ve always questioned the value of trekking poles. To be honest, I’ve always thought of them as a somewhat goofy-looking fashion statement. Last year I began to reconsider, though. With a big increase in hiking and especially hiking over elevation, I started looking for something to ease my knee pain on hikes with lots of downhill. So, I gave them a try, and after ~40 miles on trail with them, they’re now essential kit for me. Bottom line up front: If you’re a banged-up, high-mileage model like me – and don’t want to give up hiking – you might benefit significantly from hiking with trekking poles.
Tactical Flashlight Review: LAPG F7
I have reviewed almost a dozen small, EDC-style flashlights over the past couple of years. This review marks a brand-new category of flashlight review for me: the handheld “tactical” flashlight. Today’s topic is the LAPG F7 flashlight from LA Police Gear.
WML Review: LAPG SlideRail XWL
I have reviewed a number of WMLs on this site. I recently decided to check out a weapon-mounted light from LA Police Gear, the LAPG SlideRail XWL. To be honest I didn’t have terribly high expectations, but it’s nice to be pleasantly surprised every now and then. Bottom line up front: this is a solid, durable light at a very budget-friendly price. Let’s get into it!
EDC Flashlight Review: LAPG EDC Operator
Today I am reviewing a new EDC Flashlight from LA Police Gear, the LAPG EDC Operator.
Lumbar Pack: Oregon Pack Works
My recent rediscovery of the Mountainsmith Tour sparked some curiosity about the lumbar pack market. The lumbar pack is exceedingly appealing to me, but I’ve only ever worn one brand. Curious about other offerings I set about looking for other companies that made similar products. The first one I landed on was Oregon Pack Works’ Lumbar Pack.